Operational manual /Literature of Equipment

Operational manual /Literature of Equipment List Operational manual / Literature are guideline & instructions to operate the equipments & information of safety & precautions. Operating manual / literature of equipment…

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Non standard method test format for laboratory

Non standard method test format for laboratory   Laboratories are follows some international standards that almost acceptable methods & validate testing if done by laboratory, if the laboratory follow the…

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Authorized Signatory

Authorized Signatory : List of qualified Personnel for Authorized Signatory   As per international standards ISO 17025 technical requirements as well laboratory internal requirements that each signature has its own…

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Complaint register for laboratory

Complaint register for laboratory Laboratory is not a industrial type other unit that complains from customers having a huge parameters and other minor and major problems that are customer can…

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Equipment maintenance record

Equipment maintenance record   At any location of laboratory having a trouble in equipment / instruments, failed maintenance department / owner of equipment are fill this format for the record…

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Sample test requisition

Sample test requisition   Sample test requisition, is request form to enable analysis / testing on sample through required details are mentioned in test requisitions and same will be proceed…

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Sample Analysis Requisition Checklist

Sample Analysis Requisition Checklist Standard operating systems are always recommending systematic working flow to eliminate errors & mistakes, ISO 17025 – international standard is for laboratory quality system supported standards…

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Measurement System Analysis Plan

Measurement System Analysis Plan Before express information about Measurement system analysis let’s understand:   What is measurement System Analysis?   Measurement System Analysis is Study process that demonstrate conformity of…

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Delivery Deviation report

Delivery Deviation report   Delivery deviation is a real status of deliver material to customer against orders in percentage to identify real cause of delivery deviation & actions for the…

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Budget of Training Program / Time (Hours)

Budget of Training program / Time ( Hours)   Human resource department / Personal Department provides the specific requirements of training through create some documents and analysis like training calendar,…

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