Machine breakdown Report Format

Machine breakdown Report Format Machines is heart of manufacturing unit that is the reason manufacturer owners are always take care of the machine and its activities same as maintenance department…

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GAP Analysis for manufacturing process

GAP Analysis for manufacturing process   As see above picture for the gap analysis are created for the find out the gap of the process of manufacturing, during manufacturing some…

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Salary Slip Format

Salary Slip Format   Salary is biggest and primary condition that bond with both the parties, employee and owner of company, on base of the salary organization growth can possible…

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Tender Record book format

Tender Record book format Tendering system is unique system which suppliers are bids their quote in hidden form, on the fix date all the quotations are open in all concern…

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Quotation record book

Quotation record book For the marketing department quotation is prime part working structure to company also, when the customer gives a inquiry against marketing department release quotation respectively, all the…

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Quality management System Processes

Quality management System Processes Requirements of quality management system to ensure the manufacture quality product for customer satisfaction, some processes need to follow for the maintain internally quality system management…

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Defect Notification

Defect Notification Report Defect Notification is Inspection process on particular part of supplier’s material had rejected during the inspection that defect notification reports are given to supplier for the correction…

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Competence evaluation of workmen

Competence evaluation of workmen Human resource department or personnel departments as well staff welfare officers are always concentrate on bottom line peoples for more awareness and training to execute various…

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Measuring instrument / gauge rejection report

Measuring instrument / gauge rejection report   For testing instrument and gauges calibration is primary requirement periodically, during the calibration process some measuring instrument and gauges found faulty that immediately…

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Statutory & Regulatory requirements compliance report

Statutory & Regulatory requirements compliance report   According to factory acts and some international standard requirements are legal, statutory & regulatory requirements should be 100% compliance to met the satisfactory…

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