Calibration history documentation
Calibration history documentation are established & deployed in system to ensure that measuring equipment is proper calibrated and its records are maintained.
Calibration history documentation are prepared, maintained and update for conducting calibration process for each measurement equipment are used in manufacturing process and supporting processes at various locations and workplaces, the equipment are used for conduct for measure product, sizes and shape to ensure the product quality and customer, standards requirements that should be properly calibrate is assurance of measurement accuracy for product quality. The documentation of calibration is to maintained and update for recording information of each measuring device, measuring equipment and measuring instrument are properly calibrated, and calibration frequency and requirements are filled and complied each standards requirements during calibration processes are recorded in history records. Calibration history documentation are important for maintain and improvement of product quality because product quality measurements and for improvement measuring devices are frequently used, so it is important that each equipment should well calibrated.
Calibration history documentation are established by quality department and quality manager is responsible for preparation of documentation of calibration procedures and concern documentation for quality engineers / inspection team guidelines to conducting calibration processes to maintain and update records accordingly. The documentation are prepared & used for recording information of calibration is calibration history sheet, see picture below given as example format for education purpose:
Calibration history sheet is document / record sheet is used for recording information of each measuring instrument, measuring devices and measuring equipment used in manufacturing processes, supporting processes and quality concern activities to ensure the product quality. The document is used in regular task to recording information and transitions of calibration and its history record for quality department, quality manager is monitoring and controlling on activities of calibration to verify calibration history sheet by individual monitoring & controls and determine actions for improvement.
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Calibration history sheet