Businesses regret to leave windows XP
Windows XP is windows operating system, which one of the most stable operating system of Microsoft which was released back in August 24, 2001 about over 13 years completed., No any operating system will ever match the significance of windows XP. Microsoft recorded that Windows XP still using million users’ worldwide and about 25% to 30% corporate computers still running with Windows XP, the percentage are used and difficult to terminate Windows XP to latest operating system for corporate world. Hence Microsoft ended security patches and other support for windows XP operating system on April 8 2014. It’s difficult for industrial peoples to terminate Windows XP there are significant numbers of computers are still running and easy for operate, there more important think that all records and files are managed in latest OS is not easier for corporate world, but Microsoft CEO recommended to not use windows XP is not safe more.
Technical difficulties for manufacturing operation
Millions are machine and equipment attached with computers there are running with support of Windows XP operating system where old computer programming software are works to operate machine and its functions which is difficult to terminate Windows XP can directly impacts on production, if the computers are connected with networks system is high risk for machine operations where any new security update are disabled. Some manufacturing units are fully functioned by computers where auto system is installed that all are operating and installed windows XP version because its comfort and reliable when its was installed, now the situation is changed that difficulties are raised since April, 2014, hence all the automatic system and its concern software is supporting Windows XP might not support latest version of operating system or and if support that running system changes is making huge production loss for automatic system and time consuming task for business.
General reasons are identified to not moving to latest operating system are as below:
- Budget
- Hardware
- Email systems
- Application capability
- Training
My Recommendation is:
Don’t see budget, in the corporate world is making transitions online mostly, when you are working with old system windows XP that your system more vulnerable & given space for hacking, your important information can be steal by hacker due to important security patches not updated, there are huge risk for business.