Breakdown documentation management
Breakdown documentation management is system that deployed to manage each equipment and machinery breakdown in workplace.
Breakdown documentation management is system is established and deployed in the existing management system for managing installed equipment, devices, machinery and supporting mechanical and electrical instruments’ breakdown recording, all the information of breakdown where reasons for breakdowns and its solutions are managed for analysis purpose. The breakdown documentation is maintained for conducting information to analysis of each breakdown and identify root causes of breakdowns, where common issues are identify and manage for source cause to easier for take actions on particular issues and same for impacts on other failure issues at various places. The general requirements of the preparation of machine, equipment, instruments and devices are used in various department when any failure occurred that concern supervisor is intimate by memo or any slip as intimation of failure of equipment to maintenance department, maintenance department is conducting slip and recording information in the breakdown documents, where description of problem and locations are important for the maintenance team, once the records are noted in the document maintenance team is identify sources cause and solution to immediate effects.
Breakdown documentation management is established by maintenance department, maintenance manger is responsible for conducting breakdown concern tasks and its documentation, and also for the managing breakdown and its solutions processes required to identification of failures, solutions and impacting on other places to reduce breakdown at workplaces. For the managing records of breakdowns occurred at various places and locations are maintained in breakdown register, the register is maintained where all the equipment, machinery, instrument and device’s breakdown details are managed in single format, see picture below given as example of breakdown register can maintain, below format example given for education purpose:

General breakdown register is format used for recording breakdown occurred in workplace, maintenance manger is establish this format, verification of records and collect information from this format for further analysis to reduce breakdown in workplace. This format is covered information of each electrical and mechanical devices, equipment, machinery and instrument which is repair, replace & services are managed and assigned to maintenance department, in the format specific location, description problems, root cause / source cause, corrective actions and effectiveness verification is conducted by concern supervisor. The records are maintained as per standard system and its disposal is conducted as per retention period.
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General Breakdown Register