Basic process for standard review plan
Standard review plan’s basic process document is described review activities and agenda to assure that review study internal management system’s key objectives.
Standard review plan and its process is established, maintained and updates its documents to describe all the reviews activities and its agenda to assure that established review planning, documentations and its actions are properly conducted and reviews are managed and studied of each key objectives, processes, measurements and its requirements of resources are properly conducted of internal management system. The purpose of establishment of process for review plan and review of internal management system to maintains continuous improvement through effective planning and implementation.
The purpose of establishment of documents and prepared, deployment of standard review plan in the management is to explain review plan and its activities by monitoring and standard review plan applied to ensure review is evaluates internal management system for support effectiveness of part which reviewed, action plan is prepared and taken for improvement are suitable to enable continuous improvement. The documented procedure is covered standard review plan and its activity related to internal management system which defined as per international standards and specifications. The document preparation related to standard review plan is management representative, hence the information collection from various processes of department management and also to ensure that all information which is being used in review planning that should be properly monitored, ensured that information is correct to implementation of internal management system, and after the conformation of information reliability that all collected information are submit to management representative. Management representative is all collected information is put together for analysis to used in reviews plan and determine action for improvement in internal system. See picture below that management representative is collected all information are used in preparation of review plan, see picture below given as format of review plan for education purpose:

A Standard Review plan is initiated by internal management system’s management representative which is authorized, responsible and accountable to activities concern of standard review plan preparation, implementation and identify results to determine further actions. Whenever the standard review is conducted as per planning that all the concern managers should be contribute to implement of internal management system and its opinions are conducted during the discussions of reviews. The standard review plan’s major elements are:
- Processes: processes means all processes are covered which are conducted as main processes and sub-processes, manufacturing and its supporting process are conducted in review planning.
- Objective: Objective can defined as department wise & company wise, both are important for reviews in reviews plan.
- Measurements: each objective should be measurable to possible for analysis and determine action plan for objective target achievement and improvement in overall planning.
- Controls: reviews are also prepared and conducted to proper controls over processes to loss time, waste and other non-productive activities can be controlled by reviews and implement actions.
Standard review plan document and its procedure is for conducting activity and its trends that helps to determine actions in to management system for improvement of the parts which is needs to proper investigate and identify reasons, root causes of low trends for improvement. The documents of standard review plan are storage after review completions and all related actions are fulfilled in the management system, the document is storage by management representative.
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Standard Review plan