Asset request and management for office / department use
Management of asset in office / department is established to effective used of assets and managing documentation.
Management of asset in office / department are deployed to effective used of resources /assets that managed in various locations and departments for departmental individual used of assets, and all the concern documentation are established, maintained and update accordingly. Asset management in the offices and various departments are managed as per standard system by authorized persons, management is appointing peoples to authorized to conducting assets concern activities, records and distribution among various departments and offices as per its required and requests are raised during the working time, where all the incoming requests from various department are conducted, recorded and complied on management instructions. Authorized person is conducting records, ledger of each assets and identification of internal requirements are managed which is considered according to previous requirements and trends of some previous months to easier for understand and managing assets within premises.
Assets management in various department is conducted on request from various department, department head or concern person is sending assets requirements letter or request letter to authorized person, where all information about requirements of assets is mentioned, the requirements provided by end user is conducted and if authorized person can ask to management if required for any particular requirements and on conformation, authorized person issue assets to end users, on receipt of assets from asset management team that end user is sending as return with asset receipt form as confirmation of receipt of asset, this format is prepared by asset management team and used by end user department on receipt of asset, see picture below given as example format of asset receipt form for education purpose:

Asset receipt form is prepared by asset management to conducting assets requirements from end users, end users from various departments are used and filled asset receipt form and sending to asset management for individual department requirements, where all asset concern requirements mentioned and provides to asset management. Asset management collects requirements from end users and provides all requirements accordingly. The documentation for asset and its receipt form is conducted from end users where receipt of asset is mentioned, requirements of assets and promise note by end user for asset maintaining. The records for asset and concern documents are mentioned and storage with asset management and its concern analysis taken as per documentation and records available with department for further requirements of departments.
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Asset receipt form