Assessment documents
Assessment documentation is established to managing records of reviews of non-conformity compliance and improvement.
Assessment documentation is prepared, maintain and update for recording information of the reviews information of non-conformities are raised during internal / external audits to maintain internal management system and standards requirements, are managed on base of the observations and non-conformity solutions and its action plan are recorded in the assessment documentation. The non-conformity in the internal management system is raised with auditors are conducting all processes, areas and machinery / equipment are audited and during audit in case any lack of applicability are identified or not matched with standards requirements that auditors are issue non-conformity for particular place or process, all non-conformity are conducted by concern department manager and identify sources cause of non-conformity, and determine action plan to comply requirements of standards system / internal management system, the documentation covered processes and activities of assessment of non-conformity and its solutions / action plans for it.
Assessment documentation are established by management representative to conducting records of compliance and assessment of raised non-conformity, the records are maintained and update as per assessment logs received update from departments. Management representative is responsible for preparation of establish and update records of assessment concern non-conformity & concern department heads are responsible for provides update and non-conformity assessment records in line with requirements of standards. See picture below given as example format of assessment log used for conducting records of assessment, below picture given for education purpose only:

Assessment log format in used for recording information of the non-conformity raised during audit of various locations and areas as per standards requirements, assessment log is records or register format that help to conducting issues, and its solutions recording and impacting on the same issues at various places are conducted for compliance. The records are maintained by management representative, and also responsible for deployment of system that covered compliance of each non-conformity raised at workplace. The documentation is maintained as per standards system that is internal management system.
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Assessment Log