First aid box replenishment process
First aid box replenishment process is conducted for manage first aid box located at various locations for provided first aid treatment to peoples working around.
First aid box replenishment process is established and conducted for manage each first aid box located at various locations at various workplaces for provide immediate first aid treatment to peoples working around the first aid point deployed by management for the same purpose, the first aid box are managed for provide immediate treatment when any accident happened with any employee / workman during conducting its job that concern trained employee who provide immediate first aid to victim and primary treatment are done at this place, in short this is important place for the each workman that needs for minor injury occurred during the working and performing tasks in the workplaces. The first aid box concern process is important part of the heath and safety system that management representative of heath and safety system should be deploy procedures for the each workplaces as hazard identification and risk assessment to identify places where the first aid box station needs to establish, and according to analysis of data collecting from various places that the establishment, training to peoples and assignment of duties and responsibility to personnel for first aid box and first aid kit to performing tasks as and when required.
Management representative is responsible for requirements of first aid box establishment, preparation of procedure to conducting first aid box, concern process for training and assignment of duties and responsibility to concern peoples, communication & awareness training to all the workmen of first aid box station, how to reach this place and in which condition etc.., details are aware to all peoples are working in workplaces and performing tasks at various levels. The management representative are discuss with management and appointed doctors who visits at workplaces for primary treatment & checking of each employee, management representative also discuss for requirements of locations, medicines and training concern. Management representative communicate with all department head for the first aid box station concern, and its concern documentation are provided and share the information for aware each managers for effective processes. The documentation are managed at the each location individual, the first aid box stations are communicate with management representative and also manage and provides documents to management representative timely.
Management representative is responsible for whole process of first aid concern that needs to frequently monitoring and controls over procedures and activities that conducted at the stations, the effective management for the each stations are needs to inspection / audit of each station is required and management representative is managed for it. For deployment of standards system and follow up, needs to selection of qualified auditors and audit those areas where stations are locations and also verify the documentations to easier for improvement. The document which is verify and implement for the first aid box replenishment, see picture below given for education purpose:

First aid box replenishment records is format that used in recording information of each transition of first aid box that need to replacement, add and remove medicines from first aid box, the station is effective manage to each medicine that needs to manage expiry dates and unused or unsafe medicine are remove and replace as doctor recommended, so its important part of heath and safety system in organization that needs to manage accurately, and the records are managed on base of the audit is conducted by qualified auditors. These records are managed monthly basis and end of the month these records are submitted to management representative for further analysis.
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First aid box replenishment record