Drawing issue process

Drawing issue process

Drawing issue process conducted on request to use as product design for development, reviews, revisions, manufacturing or quote the product purpose.


Drawing issue process / procedure is conducted on design & development team received request from internal department or external parties for various purpose, the team is verify the request received of drawing for product, the purpose are:

  • Quotation purpose – This type of request can be send by marketing team to quote the customer requirements and approvals of customers as per product drawing to match the end application requirements.
  • Development purpose – The production team, development and concern peoples can demand the drawing of product for the development of product as per customer requirements, verification of standards, measurements of product and setup of parameters, criteria verifications etc purpose.
  • Manufacturing purpose
  • Drawing being revised – the request can be raise from inter department, management or concern quality team. This request is for verify and modification requirements as per customer order change, management change, or any quality issues. So, drawing is properly updated as per revisions are occur.
  • Reviews, verifications / other purpose – The management team can demand for drawing of product for the reviews and implementation as per previous orders, demands and trends of sales are verified with the product drawing. The management team’s inputs are analysis of figures of product sales and end applications standards requirements raised and implemented.

Design & development team role

All incoming requests are collected by design & development team, the head of department is review each received request for further actions, on validated requests are raise and issue the drawing with specific requirements and as controlled copy to appropriate requester. As above mentioned some purpose are general for the requests and most request concern it.


The drawing of product is receiving each requests, collecting and records are maintained by design & development team, the head of department is responsible for verification of all records, reviews and conduct actions in line with requests, hence the issues of each drawing and its use of drawing is monitored by department head. Before the issue drawing to requesters, needs to manage document of issues the drawing, drawing issue form is needs to filled and send copy of form along with drawing for agree the details to return department on tasks cycle completion. See picture below provided for education purpose:




Drawing issue form

Drawing issue form includes information of the drawing issue activities, reasons, purpose and related details. This form is prepared by design & development team for issue the controlled copy of drawing for various purposes and uses. This format is important part for documentation system.  Department is maintain the issues and revisions of drawing for tracking of each drawing records.



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Drawing issue form



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