Machine maintenance checklist: Electrical / Mechanical Department
Maintenance is very important task, and major parts of budgets depends in organization. If its is not properly monitored and controlled, may cause losses in any industry. Here we providing simple maintenance checklist which you can use for your regular tasks. It may use for electrical department, and maintenance activities. Maintenance people needs guideline to precision works performs, to enhance effective works environment in maintenance that is electrical maintenance & mechanical maintenance.
How to use?
Electrical maintenance & Mechanical maintenance both are part of the maintenance, all need to work gather with rhythm of requirements of machine part’s repairing. Rhythm can comes though systematic works that should be provided by management. Management must have to at least flow out the real cases are comes across production line to effectively maintenance are preventing and ensure the maintenance peoples are woks as on track. That all are management depends how management pointer gives directions, systematic works flow reducing challenges for maintenance department.
Machine wise daily checking through maintenance checklist is daily activity. Its all gives a reminder that which machine parts, where still not checked or where we done the routine chuckling. Properly breakdown must reduce through periodically maintenance activities.