Food Safety officer internal audit in food manufacturing

Food Safety officer internal audit in food manufacturing

Food safety officer internal audit is conducted to ensure all documents and reporting and food safety concern activities are handled as per standard requirements.


Food safety officer internal audit is individual internal audit to ensure food safety officer is conducting all concern duties of food safety, documentations and reporting are conducted properly and as per standard requirements, food safety officer is responsible person for maintain food safety in food manufacturing industry, so its important that all activity of manufacturing, processes and supporting activities of food concern should be properly conducted, safety precautions, requirements of food handling, movement and storage processes are conducted and safety officer should monitoring on those activity for maintain food safety in food manufacturing industry.

Food safety office internal audit is responsibility of management representative, selection qualified internal auditors and all internal audit concern activity, arrangement are conduced and responsible for follow up the status of internal audit, hence internal auditors are responsible to conducted internal audit of food safety officer as per standard requirements to ensure the system deployed for food safety management is properly conducted and identify non-conformance as per standard requirement. Food safety office is responsible for collect all non-conformances raised during internal audit, and identify root causes, sources of non-conformity, determine action plan in line with non-conformance and comply as per food management system requirements. Internal auditors are conducting food safety officer audit to identify non-conformance of documents and records, activity and other duties and under responsibility of food safety officer, to conducting internal audit, auditors are prepared checklist which used during audit is food safety officer checklist where all concern information and points are conducted and verified for assurance. See picture below is given example format for food safety officer checklist for education purpose:

Food safety officer checklist
Food safety officer checklist

Food safety officer checklist is conducted during internal audit to ensure all concern activity which controlled by safety officer and under responsibility. The document is important for conducting audit where all important points are incorporated as per standard requirements, find some sample points are mentioned below:

  • Whether food safety policy and its objectives are available and properly reviewed, review evidences, reports and concern documents are available?
  • Is there food safety concern hazards, hazardous materials in manufacturing processes and in material is identified and same is mentioned in food safety manuals?
  • Is there food safety office prepared and document for safety teams, safety officer had identified and selected safety team members?
  • Is there food safety officer’s responsibility and authority is designed? And all safety team members for the same? Is there team members are aware of their responsibility?
  • Is there for each food safety team member is properly trained? Training records are available?
  • Whether food safety office is managing safety team members’ meeting? What is frequency of meeting?
  • Whether food safety procedures are prepared, deployed and follow up by peoples? Is there reviews and inspection is conducted by safety officer? Is there records and documents are available for it?

Food safety officer’s internal audit records are maintained and updated by auditor during audit; those reports and checklist are provided to safety officer for further actions that are corrective actions, preventive actions and effective implementation of standard requirements and compliance of food safety management system requirements. There are one copy is also submit to management representative for recording and further actions.



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Food safety officer checklist



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