Director Self Assessment

Director Self Assessment


Director Self Assessment

The Director Self Assessment Tool will be provided an opportunity to evaluate professional life, Personal life, Performance & Contributions as a director. Few Questions to assess the mirror effect to gives an opportunity for continue development. Judge the some questions that can be caveats as director role.

To better evaluate, give a rating to each statement up to 10:

  • 01 to 04 Lover rating
  • 05 to 07 Medium rating
  • 08 to 10 Higher rating

As above three partitions can help for in improvement weak points that agreed during questionnaires.




Professional Life:

  1. My work is fulfilling. It provides the mental stimulation and emotional gratification I need to be satisfied with how I earn my living.
  2. I am very satisfied with my decision to become a Director of a particular business. I have never considered changing business.
  3. I look forward to going to work every day.
  4. I feel that my work is important and that what I do makes a difference.
  5. I do not work too much. I have plenty of time for my family and my personal life.
  6. Stress is not a problem for me. My work is not stressful or I know and use methods to reduce my stress.
  7. I keep a good balance between my professional and personal life.
  8. I give myself enough time to comply with deadlines.
  9. I am happy with my area(s) of Business. I have not considered changing the type of area that I practice.
  10. I still have enough energy left at the end of the workday to enjoy my personal life.
  11. I have all of the education, knowledge and skills I need to be a good Director.
  12. I always do the best job I am capable of doing.
  13. I am well respected by my peers and colleagues.
  14. Representing the customers I do gives me a great deal of satisfaction.
  15. My Business firm represents the right customers for the right reasons.

Score Total :

Average Rating :

Personal Life:

  1. I delegate whenever possible.
  2. I do very few errands.
  3. I don’t over commit my time.
  4. I ask others for help when I need it.
  5. I put first things first.
  6. I concentrate my efforts in areas where I have my greatest strengths.
  7. I avoid work in areas where I have my greatest weaknesses.
  8. I set aside quiet time each day to work on important tasks.
  9. I prioritize my tasks.
  10. I make sure that I am clear on what to do before I start the job.
  11. I know and use the techniques for good decision making.
  12. I have the self-discipline to stay focused on my work.
  13. I have the tools I need to do the best job in the shortest time.
  14. I know and use time management techniques.
  15. I don’t reinvent the wheel.
  16. I exercise regularly and am in excellent shape for my age.
  17. I watch my diet, both the kind and the amount of food I eat.
  18. I do not smoke.
  19. I do not drink excessively.
  20. I watch my tea/ coffee intake.
  21. I receive regular check ups and medical care.
  22. I visit my dentist regularly; my teeth are in great shape.
  23. I do not have high blood pressure or high cholesterol.
  24. I get plenty of sleep.
  25. I meditate or have some period of quiet reflective time every day.
  26. I avoid stress and if it occurs I handle it effectively.
  27. There is nothing I am doing to endanger my health.

Score Total :

Average Rating :


  1. My personal values are clear and I use them to guide my life.
  2. I know myself well and like the person that I am.
  3. I have resolved all of my past issues.
  4. I know my strengths and my weaknesses.
  5. I don’t spend time with unpleasant people.
  6. I set high standards for myself and live up to them.
  7. I don’t let people take advantage of me.
  8. I have developed my spiritual nature.
  9. I tolerate inefficiency very little.
  10. I know my purpose and mission in life.
  11. I understand that I am at choice as to how to live my life and what to do with my life.
  12. I know how to get what I want with the least amount of effort.
  13. I know exactly what I want out of my life.
  14. I have a life plan and am working the plan.

Score Total :

Average Rating :


  1. My Business career provides an excellent living for my family and me.
  2. My expenses are low. There is not a struggle each month to cover the overhead.
  3. My Business firm has the support staff and technology necessary to get the work out efficiently.
  4. My Business firm’s Business areas are diversified enough to avoid financial risk.
  5. My Business firm’s customer base is diversified enough to avoid financial risk.
  6. My monthly income is consistently high enough to pay my bills, taxes and other obligations as they become due.
  7. I am doing everything I can to maximize my income and minimize my expenses.
  8. Compared to my peers, I am doing very well financially.
  9. My products / services are priced right.
  10. My customers give me repeat business.
  11. My Product / service are always delivered on time and the invoices go out on schedule.
  12. There are at least good 3 reasons why customers should choose my Business firm over our competition.
  13. My Business firm is constantly aware of our monthly expenses, receivables and work in progress.

Score Total :

Average Rating :


  1. I work with people I enjoy working with.
  2. The atmosphere at my Business firm is positive and healthy.
  3. There are no politics or personality problems to deal with at my office.
  4. I have the right people in my support staff.
  5. The building and office looks professional and I am proud of its appearance.
  6. The office environment brings out the best in me.
  7. My Business firm and I are compatible. We share the same values and philosophy.
  8. The office location, commute time and parking situation work well for me.
  9. I am happy with my personal office space, desk, chair, and equipment and interior. There is nothing I would like to change.
  10. People’s personal affairs and problems are handled considerately and appropriately and do not interfere with business.
  11. The senior employees and staff in my office give me a feeling of family and shared purpose.
  12. The support staff does a great job. No improvement is possible.
  13. I get along well with, like and respect the other senior employees in my office.
  14. We take time to get to know each other aside from our work roles.
  15. Office administrative functions are handled efficiently and do not waste my time.

Score Total :

Average Rating :

Future Prospects:

  1. I am in the right business. I can see continuing business until I my next generation retire.
  2. I am working at the right place. I can see myself working in my present Business firm into the foreseeable future.
  3. I am on track to make all of the money I want to make in my Business career.
  4. I have a plan for my Business career.
  5. I am on a path of professional growth that will give me the knowledge and experience I need to achieve my Business career goals.
  6. I stay on track with my plans; I don’t just take the easiest path.
  7. I am very clear on what I want out of my Business and how to achieve it.
  8. I keep up with the statistics, trends, new development areas and challenges. I am well informed.
  9. I know exactly what my ideal business tricks are played.
  10. I can describe precisely my ideal customer.
  11. I have a system to maintain contact with my lost customers and I aim to use it.
  12. I have a network of business contacts and I keep in touch with my network.
  13. I have a plan for my life and I know exactly how my Business fits into the plan and my life goals.
  14. I don’t do it alone. I get help from experts to help me achieve my goals.

Score Total :

Average Rating :


  1. I have all of the books, computers, software and equipment I need to do my work well and are efficient and I know how to use them.
  2. My support staff is well trained. There is very little they need to learn and no skills they need to develop in order to do a better job.
  3. I plan my time. I schedule what to do and when to do it and I stick to my plan. I maintain my logs.
  4. I do not postpone
  5. I schedule interruption-free time into every workday to do important tasks.
  6. I don’t waste time.
  7. I am clear on what is the highest and best use of my time.
  8. I delegate whenever possible.
  9. I take the time to train my support staff in how to best support me.
  10. I handle the most important tasks first. I handle important tasks before they become important and urgent tasks.
  11. I don’t over commit.
  12. I always under promise and over deliver.
  13. I have a system for efficiently handling voice mail and email and I stick to it.
  14. I am very good at estimating the time it will take to perform each task.
  15. I schedule breaks to keep my energy up.

Score Total :

Average Rating :


A. Professional Life Rating :
B. Personal Life:
C. Self Awareness:
D. Profitability:
E. Environment:
F: Future Prospects:
G: Productivity:

Total Rating:

Average Rating:


Orbit is a expert in solutions of industrial problems viz quality, production, planning, inspection etc. Orbit is writes about manufacturing's problems and its state solutions for quality lovers..