Information Technology Audit Checklist
Whether list of computer system with the details of installed / non installed software and hardware available?
– Check list of number of Central Processing unit available?
– Check list of installed / non Installed Monitors available?
– Check list of networked computer list is available?
Whether proper Preventive maintenance schedule is available?
Check whether number of preventive maintenance activities taken up in the previous month?
Is there Standard Operating procedures are is defined? Deployed at work station? Is there SOP is covered preventive maintenance activities?
Does a training plan exist for system users?
– Check whether number of training programs taken up in the past two months.
– Check number of trainees / department wise participated.
E-waste generation & Disposal records are maintained? E-waste disposal are properly? Or is sent e-waste to authorized person?
Whether trend analysis on departmental objectives is done?
Whether continual improvement plan is available with IT department.
Whether revised documents are available? Revised documents are controlled with new revision date and number?
Check the previous internal / external audit findings status with evidence?
Whether proper complaint register is maintained?
Whether proper analysis reports are available for repeated complaints?
Stock of Hardware is available with department, unused / non working hardware is identified? List is available?
List of Software installation CDs are available? All installation packaged licensed is going expired? Or Expiring installation package list is available?
Scanners / printers / devices list department wise is available?