Customer Complain Form

Customer Complain Form

Customer Complain form

Registered each complain by customer are necessary to filled in customer complain form that identifications & improvements in internal system that on base of the customer complains, each complains are taken by individually for the corrective actions to maintain or improvement in quality to provides quality material to customers, in case of any complain are registered that each complains are solved on base of the complain type. Customer complains can be concern as below:

  1. Quality concern complains: quality concern complains by customer are never to be compromised that quality is prime requirement of the customer that need to concentrate on subject that complain is raised by customer.
  2. Documentation : Sales and sales after services are generally after quality, document’s concern complains are generally experienced by company due to some documents are generate after dispatch material that document are not timely delivered concern services are generally comes form customers.
  3. Delivery : Delivery of the material is also high level of the complain that short term delivery schedule are always welcome by customer that all are depends on the project, in case project is delayed due to material are not reach at time that this kinds of delivery complains are generated.

There are too many reason of complains, above some sample reasons are given for the basic concern should be cleared for complains are raised by customers, all complains should be categorized to easier for solve in line with compliance of the complaint’s requirements.

Each categorized complains are taking on place for the corrective actions and preventive actions to concern department, some actions are takes to respective complains at other department too.


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Orbit is a expert in solutions of industrial problems viz quality, production, planning, inspection etc. Orbit is writes about manufacturing's problems and its state solutions for quality lovers..