5s layered process audit documentation
5s layered process audit documentation is establish for recording processes wise layered audit activities, status and communication records for 5s system improvement.
5s layered process audit documentation is prepared, maintained and update documentation and processes of 5s layered process where all audited information, status of 5s layered process audit and documentation records are maintained for 5s system improvement & conducting systematic ways. The 5S layered process audit is complete audit of the processes that conducted to considering layer of the whole system, in the system, each stages are considered and managed for audit accordingly to 5S system and each stages of manufacturing processes and supporting processes are managed where each areas and locations where identified locations for 5S or as per scope are managed for audit.
5s layered process audit documentation is prepared by 5S lead auditor, hence 5s layered process audit and its concern processes are managed by 5s management team, the team is selecting qualified auditors for conduct 5S audit in existing system to identification of the non-conformance, improvement and managing 5S system in management system parts. The records of the each activity of audit and identified non-conformance are managed accordingly, concern department is responsible for conduct each non-conformance, determine action plan and complied accordingly. The purpose of the system maintaining in the manufacturing and supporting processes and its systematic layered audit is to identification and improvement of 5S system in existing manufacturing system & managing enhancement of best level.
5S layered audit process is established in manufacturing processes by 5S management team, the team is prepared documentation, selection of qualified auditors and activities that indicate improvement of system and the records of the 5S audit is managed accordingly, see picture blow given as example format of the 5S layered process audit format which used in the system, here format given as example and education purpose:

5s layered process audit documentation and its records are maintained as per requirements of internal management system, in the 5s layered audit is conducted and records are maintained as per process sequences and interactions of processes. In the 5s layered process audit formats, each machine / equipment wise records, machine and equipment areas and its frequency are maintained where all schedules and planning are conducted for audit. The documentation handling and storage are conducted as per 5S system requirements and retention period.
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5S layered process audit