Loan application form – Human Resources forms
Load applications is the process to employee get the amount from company for fulfill its person requirements on some monthly installments as return to company as well know, mostly in human resource departments are conducting this process and the load application process owner is also human resource department, human resource department is conducting the employee requirements on request of the employee, employee should is complete the details of requirements as loan in the loan application form, this form will be conduct by human resource department and given to management for the approvals, on approvals of the form, employee get the loan and return as company terms and conditions.
This is general requirements which all small to big turnover company having come requests from employee, all the requirements or request are come to human resource department that human resources department need to establish format for the load application and employee is fill up as its requirements, here we given ready format for human resources department for the reference, see below picture of loan application form:

Loan application is very general and regular process for the human resource department, hence the process of conducting and approval system or process is depends on the company individual terms and conditions. But generally in companies are checking the history of employee i.e. any outstanding loans, advances are still pending or not, if the management identify records are satisfactory that management approve loan application. Management also reviews the records / documents are attached with loan application for the consideration, which helps to review and determine actions on the applications. There are also one more this is very important that what is the purpose of the loan application, in case of the any disease or emergency condition for employee, most company is not review more and immediate approve the loan and this is the factor is most important in the business.
Download Loan Application form