Bin card
What is Bin card?
A Document that records the status of materials in a storage area. Generally small scale industry with huge quantity of materials will use a bin card to maintain “stock on hand”. It will also help to materials tracking, monitoring on incoming and outgoing materials in storage area.
Where to use it?
This document is used for the organizing all stock in storage department. It will also help to tracking, monitoring as well as controls over the stocks. Actually, this format is part of stock management system. When storage unit transits materials in huge quantity, such as in incoming, outgoing and waste materials. Than its related records are require to maintain with sufficient system. Bin card is one of the best format document will helps to manage it.
How to prepare bin card?
Of course, bin card format is preparing by storage department and use for stock management. Head of department will first verify the condition of facility, condition, transitions, materials ratio etc. Once the verification is completed, department head prepares this format accordingly. This format must have covered general requirements such as inventory tracking, monitoring and controls.
See picture below:

Who will maintain and filled this card?
Storage supervisors are fills the bin card format. They are also responsible for use it in the regular tasks, where require monitoring and control over activities related to materials. Head of department verify the physical stock with bin card records to ensure the system is properly works and followed.
When to use bin card?
- Mostly department require to maintain each item with unique identification number.
- Department purchasing high volume quantity of materials.
- For establish easy tracking for each item.
- Maintain separate waste items.
- To maximum utilize & well organized storage capability.
- Manage maximum & minimum stock that is “reorder level” for each material.
How to use bin card?
To use the bin card not require any specific training. Mean, sample on job training is sufficient by experienced person. The format already describe the details required to filling. Hence related supervisor will monitor material’s physical activities and fills accordingly.
Mostly, Supervisors are monitor on material’s maximum and minimum “re-order level”, which is includes in format. In case any variation is found that supervisor inform to head of department for control over it.
Document: You can download bin card format : Excel sheet